Saturday, 23 September 2006

Aching Packing ~_~

Gosh! It's soooo hot here in Singapore these few days. I cannot stand staying in the living at night. It's so hot and humid... I'm on leave on Thursday and Friday this week packing (and shopping)! It's good to be out while people are still working. he he~ I texted my friend that I was so happy out and she texted back that I should stop being irritating 'cos she was still stuck in the office. he he~ It always feels good, like when you skipped school and went to the mall when there were no kids in sight! he he.. My sister and I always agreed that it felt good.

Never-the-less, I had to do my packing and sort-out most of the time. It's quite tiring... I woke up this morning and my legs were all aching. I had to cancel an appointment to go to a church with my friend. We were going to his church around Expo MRT. So, I had to say sorry and just veg out on the sofa in front of the TV, watching nothing. ...>_<... Mum also feels tired. She had a nap sitting up on the sofa. Then, when she woke up, she asked me if she slept with her mouth open, 'cos she felt her throat was dry. She is so funny.


Anonymous said...


Gonna miss you sooo much when you go back to BKK... Take care and hope your leg gets better yeah!! Do come back to Singapore for some REAL holiday k...


Wilson said...


see you sometime on another channel... Thank you so much on the book... let me know of your progress ok... and don't forget to check up on me in November.... :-)