Monday, 18 December 2006

Is it a normal life?

After the engagement, life is back to normal. But still it seems I cannot finish my things. There seems to be so many things I need to do but haven't yet done. I still have not finished selecting photos to develop...and to put on the blog, of course. And many other things that I want and really want to do, but haven't done.

And the work, I'm getting bored of this work now. It's the same old things everyday. Asking for a proposal today and want it this evening. They even say blog is a niche!! It's just where people write their diaries!! There are more to blog than that! So, that Sunday afternoon in the office, I was just too sick of the idea of coming to work at the first place that I didn't want to jump into their conversation and tell them about blog. I just wanted to get my work done and come home.
I'm tired...

And today, because my company was going to 2 orphan homes to give away things and have some games to play with the children, I wanted to give some of my soft toys, some stationary, and some gifts to them too. I went to buy note books, pens, and cookies for them on Sat, and together with my soft toys to brought to the office to give to the department that was responsible for this event. BUT! I didn't realise that they were supposed to go today, this morning. So...I have to bring the stuff home again... I think it makes me feel bad that I don't have time to go shop anywhere even for stationary on weekday!

I I just want to have some quiet time to do my own things, to read, to blog, to surf, to tidy up my room, and even unpack some of my stuff! Oh my! There are still boxes that I haven't opened! I just want to do that. I just want my own time, please... and some time for me to play piano, please...

1 comment:

Wilson said...


so good to hear from you...! congratulations on your engagements, I bet you haven't had the time to read such trifles as my shopaholic book..ha ha.. The Girl?? hmmm....well.. she never showed up, so, well, I suppose, there's a delay somewhere. Waiting eagerly for your engagement pictures!!