bokutachi wa shiawase ni naru tame kono tabiji o yukun da
We travel this road to find happiness.
hora egao ga totemo niau
See? You look good with a smile on your face.
iro aseru koto naku yomigaeru hakanaku utsukushiki hibi yo
These beautiful, fragile days are reborn, unfaded.
mabushii umi kogareta kisetsu mo
In the season of dazzling burned seas
yuki no maiorita kisetsu mo
and in the season of dancing snowflakes
itsu datte furimukeba anata ga ita
whenever I turned around, you were there.
bokutachi wa shiawase ni naru tame kono tabiji o yuku
We travel this road to find happiness.
dare mo minna ienu kizu o tsureta tabibito nan darou
Everyone is a traveler, carrying his own never-healing wounds.
hora egao ga totemo niau
See? You look good with a smile on your face.
nando michi ni mayotta no darou
How many times have I gotten lost?
sono tabi ni atatakai te o sashinobete kureta no mo anata deshita
Every time, the one who extended his warm helping hand was you.
*bokutachi wa kono nagai tabiji no hate ni nani o omou
*At the end of this long path, what will we think?
dare mo minna ai motome samayou tabibito nan darou
Everyone is a traveler, wandering about in search of love.
tomo ni ikou akiru hodo ni
Let's go together until we tire of it.
And...someone played it beautifully...
I also same sex & nation as you. I visited your blogger because I would like to know how to make miso soup but I almost read your daily diaries & really interesting. Most of you same as me, you can speak Thai, English, Japanese. Last Monday (Jan 26th, 2009) I visited doctor & I suppose that my foot has problem same as you but your may have more problem than me. I would like to communicate with you more / know about you more but your lasted was around February 2008. Where are you now & how can I contact you?
Hello there!
I'm still alive. ha ha
I'm in Thailand now and my other blogs are and
I more frequently update developed-thailand, though it's in Thai. But you are Thai, right?
You can email me at
You sounded like you could be my twin? ha ha
Write me. :-)
Thanks. I'll try to write on this blog more. I've been busy living life in BKK. Sound ironic. ha ha See ya.
I enjoyed watching the video. It was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
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